Understanding Brain Cancer:

Insights from Renowned Experts

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brain cancer


Brain cancer remains one of the most challenging medical conditions, with various types and treatments that continue to be the subject of extensive research. This article draws upon the knowledge and expertise of renowned figures in the field of health and wellness, including Dr. Bruce Lipton, Prof. Thomas Seyfried, Dr. Paul Mason, Dr. Ken Berry, Dr. Sten Ekberg, Mikhaila Peterson, and Jordan Peterson, to provide a comprehensive overview of brain cancer and its current treatment options.

– What is Brain Cancer?

Brain cancer encompasses a group of malignant tumors that arise from various cells within the brain or the central nervous system. These aggressive growths can disrupt normal brain function and are a serious health concern.

– Why Understanding Brain Cancer Matters

Comprehending brain cancer is crucial because early detection and treatment can significantly improve outcomes. Knowledge empowers patients and their families, enabling informed decisions about care and management.

The Biology Behind Brain Cancer

Dr. Bruce Lipton, a pioneer in the field of epigenetics, emphasizes the role of the environment in gene expression. His research suggests that while genetics play a very small role in cancer development, external factors, including environmental factors (especially ultra-processed carbohydrate consumption), our experiences and perceptions, can significantly influence gene behavior. This perspective opens up new avenues for understanding how brain cancer develops and how it might be managed by altering one’s environment and lifestyle.

Metabolic Approach to Treatment

Prof. Thomas Seyfried’s work focuses on the metabolic management of brain cancer, particularly glioblastoma. He advocates for a non-toxic therapeutic strategy combining a strict carnivore diet with specific nutrition supplementation and oxygen to target cancer cells. This approach is based on the premise that cancer is primarily a mitochondrial metabolic disease, and by altering the body’s metabolic state, one can potentially manage and treat brain cancer more effectively.

Dietary Interventions

Dr. Paul Mason’s research into low carbohydrate diets suggests that dietary interventions can play a crucial role in managing chronic diseases, including brain cancer. By reducing carbohydrate intake, patients may experience improvements in metabolic function, which could positively impact the management of brain cancer.

Ketogenic Diet and Brain Health

Dr. Ken Berry is another proponent of the carnivore diet, particularly in the context of brain health. His insights suggest that while the carnivore diet is not in itself a cure for brain cancer, but it may support overall brain health and facilitate in curing brain cancer as Prof. Thomas Seyfried has shown in his scientifical work.

Holistic Health and Cancer

Dr. Sten Ekberg focuses on holistic health and wellness, which includes the management of chronic diseases through natural means. His approach often involves dietary changes and lifestyle adjustments that could also be beneficial for brain cancer patients.

Personal Experiences and Diet

Mrs. Mikhaila Peterson shares her personal journey with dietary changes leading to significant health improvements. While not a medical professional, her anecdotal evidence suggests that an all-meat (carnivore) diet helped her overcome autoimmune disorders and other health challenges, which could offer insights into the role of diet in managing diseases, including brain cancer.

Psychological Aspects of Healing

Dr. Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist, has not conducted research on brain cancer, but his work on the psychological aspects of belief and behavior could provide a framework for understanding the mental and emotional components of healing and coping with cancer. Dr. Peterson has since several years cured all his own diseases by solely providing a carnivore diet.

brain cancer

Treatment Advice for Brain Cancer

When considering treatment for brain cancer, it is essential to search for newest scientific methods to find out the actual situation through Quantcorder somatic cell nucleus scanning. If such a scanning will show any kind of tumor growth or other changes in the brain we will advice the patient which is the best way to go.Treatments may include surgery, radiation therapy and immunotherapy. Additionally, complementary approaches such as dietary changes, stress management, and psychological support will be a very important integral parts of a comprehensive treatment plan.


In conclusion, the fight against brain cancer is multifaceted and the cure is involving a combination of traditional holistic medical approaches. The insights provided by the experts mentioned in this article highlight the importance of considering all aspects of health—biological, metabolic, dietary, and psychological—in managing and treating brain cancer. Today, brain cancer, early detected by using our Quantcorder scanner tests each 6 months, together with a proper carnivore diet and nutrition supplementation is a guarantee for a cancer free life!!



About Quantcorder

  1. Quantcorder is an innovative diagnostic tool that utilizes integrated technologies based on biophoton somatic cell nucleus and electromagnetic metabolic resonance scanning to provide precise and detailed insights into the user’s health status. This device analyzes DNA down to basic amino acid level via biophoton scanning and as well metabolic electromagnetic reactions within the body, reflecting the physiological and bioenergetic state of individual organs and tissues. Additionally our Quantcorder is also equipped with scalar wave transceiver making it practically failfree!!
  2. Quantcorder conducts examinations non-invasively using optic and electromagnetic sensors that detect subtle changes in the body’s energy fields and establish the actual metabolic status well below DNA level thus securing an almost 100% sure health picture of each examined patient. These datas are then processed by advanced algorithms, interpreting the health status as indicators of potential health disorders. The diagnostic procedure lasts between 30 to 90 minutes and is entirely non-invasive, making Quantcorder an ideal solution for those seeking in-depth health analysis without the discomfort associated with traditional complicated and very often invasive methods transmitting toxic radiation during medical examinations.
  3. By leveraging quantum physics optical and electromagnetic resonance technologies and then visualizing the results in both linear and nonlinear analysis of human biologic systems, Quantcorder can not only identify current symptoms but also detect the root causes of dysfunctions before they escalate into more serious health conditions and it will also advise means to be taken in order to cure the patient. This capability allows users to take proactive preventive and therapeutic measures, significantly enhancing the effectiveness of treatment and overall quality of life.
  4. Quantcorder also offers the capability to monitor treatment progress and adjust health strategies in response to the evolving needs of the body, making it an invaluable tool for daily health management. Quantcorder represents the future of medical diagnostics, enabling users to actively and consciously manage their own health from anywhere in the world.

Key Features of Quantcorder

  1. Acquisition of comprehensive results without the prolonged waiting times typical of traditional medical tests.
  2. Quantcorder identifies not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of health issues, which is crucial for effective treatment planning.
  3. Thanks to its portability, the device can be used to perform examinations at the patient’s home or any other location, which is particularly important for individuals who have difficulty accessing medical facilities.
  4. The device provides detailed diagnostic reports that include recommendations for further actions, enabling both doctors and patients to better understand the health condition and plan the next therapeutic steps.
  5. Quantcorder also allows for monitoring treatment outcomes and adjusting health strategies in response to changes in the patient’s health status, which is vital for long-term health management.
  6. The Quantcorder can also be used as a virtual painkiller acupuncture tool in situations when the patient is under Quantcorder cure treatments and wants to avoid toxic painkillers.

Quantcorder is an exceptionally valuable tool in modern medical diagnostics, especially in the context of the growing demand for rapid and accurate methods of health assessment.

Key Diagnostic Features and Functions of the Quantcorder

  1. Quantcorder copies somatic cell nucleus standings, mainly the DNA at the lowest amino acid level and measures the frequency and strength of the energy of biophotons and electromagnetic/scalar waves emitted by the body’s cells, allowing for the identification of health and disease states at a very early stage.
  2. The device allows for sensitivity adjustment in detection, which is crucial for patients with varying levels of biophoton and electromagnetic reactivity.
  3. Quantcorder enables the simultaneous analysis and vision of multiple health parameters, providing a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s health status.
  4. The technology detects very early subtle changes in atomic molecular vibrations and biophoton radiation, which can indicate pathological changes in the body before they become visible in traditional medical tests.
  5. The system facilitates the rapid comparison of current results with the patient’s medical history, which is essential for assessing the dynamics of health changes.
  6. Quantcorder features an intuitive user interface, making it easy for patients to conduct their own examinations and interpret the results.
  7. The device provides educational materials that help patients understand the significance and context of their diagnostic results, supporting effective health management.
  8. The ability to customize diagnostic procedures to individual patient needs enhances the effectiveness of the diagnostics.
  9. As a non-invasive device, Quantcorder ensures a high level of safety and hygiene during use, minimizing the risk of infection.
  10. The capability for remote health monitoring by a physician is particularly important for patients with chronic illnesses or limited mobility.

The features of Quantcorder underscore its advanced capabilities, making it a unique tool in modern medical diagnostics, capable of providing precise and early diagnoses, which are crucial for effective health management.

Advanced Diagnostic Features Using Quantcorder

  1. Quantcorder utilizes advanced biophoton and magnetic resonance technology in both Linear and Non-Linear Systems analysis to evaluate health conditions at the somatic cellular nucleus and molecular levels analyzing status below DNA and amino acid levels  enabling the very early detection of health disorders.
  2. The device employs biophoton and electromagnetic scanning which is based on the principles of quantum physics. It can also be used to remove pain and energy blockages in the body, facilitating the natural self-healing process. This therapy is non-invasive, painless, and safe, even for pregnant women and children.
  3. Quantcorder can also be used for multiple-session therapy to diagnose and resolve energy blockages. This approach aligns with the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and their physical acupuncture but Quantcorder uses modern virtual technology to precisely select and deliver the appropriate signals.
  4. The technology of the Quantcorder also enables multifactorial entropy analysis and biochemical homeostasis assessment of the system, providing detailed information about pathological processes occurring in otherwise healthy tissues.
  5. Quantcorder offers the capability to tailor therapy to the individual needs of the patient, automatically adjusting the intensity of the therapy. This allows for effective and personalized treatment without the need for manual adjustments.
  6. Examinations are conducted using biophoton, electromagnetic and scalar waves triggering sensors, which enable remote and contactless collection of health data, enhancing the comfort and safety of the procedure.

The advanced features and diagnostic functions provided by Quantcorder represent the forefront of modern diagnostic technologies, offering not only precision but also deep insights into health mechanisms at a level previously unattainable with earlier diagnostic methods.

General Description of Quantcorder Technology

Quantum Physics Somatic Cell Analyzing Technology

  1. The human body consists of trillions of somatic cell nucleus that emit biophoton, scalar and electromagnetic waves from the moment of X and Y cromosome fertilization, then during the entire growth development and further remaining life until death. These waves can be detected and analyzed by our Quantcorder system using Quantum Biology entanglement calculation principles and thus allowing the very fast and precise determination of the patient’s health status.
  2. Changes in the movement and orbits of electrons around the atom nucleus will lead to alterations in biological micro and macromolecules, potentially contributing to disease. Analyzing these changes enables the very early detection of pathological conditions.

Quantcorder Technology

  1. The device analyzes entropy and biochemical homeostasis by visual scanning of biophoton, scalar and electromagnetic radiation from the human metabolism which allows for the identification and assessment of pathological processes occurring in otherwise healthy tissues. This helps to understand how the body copes with diseases at various structural and functional levels.
  2. It provides a detailed evaluation of the body’s biochemical state by comparing current data with reference standards of healthy and diseased tissues. This comparison helps in pinpointing deviations from normal physiological conditions.

Additional Functions

  1. Utilizing advanced modeling techniques, Quantcorder can simulate the development of various pathologies, enabling the prediction of their progression and potential interventions. This capability is crucial for proactive health management.
  2. The technology supports the application of visual, scalar or electromagnetic bioresonance therapies, which enhances the body’s natural defense mechanisms. It also facilitates non-standard therapies tailored to the individual needs of the patient, promoting personalized treatment approaches.
  3. Complex and fully detailed examinations can be conducted remotely, without direct contact with the patient, increasing the comfort and safety of the procedure. This feature is especially valuable for patients with limited mobility or those requiring frequent monitoring.

Quantcorder offers a comprehensive and precise diagnostic tool that can identify not only symptoms but also the underlying causes of diseases at the molecular, somatic cellular, DNA, amino acid and atomic nucleus levels. This capability is essential for early detection and effective treatment planning, making it a key component in modern medical diagnostics.

Business Model

Market Segmentation

  • Clinics and Hospitals as a tool for advanced diagnostics, such as avoiding a patient to be referred for specialized and very often toxic examinations.
  • Integrative Medicine Offices for holistic health diagnostics.
  • Private Individuals as home users wanting to monitor their health.
  • Insurance Companies for monitoring the health of clients and reducing risk.

Pricing Structure

  • One-time Quantcorder registration fee: The device is  available to use for anyone willing to pay a registration fee of USD 50 paid via dialadoctor.global e-commerce system. The device can be made available to any person needing a health test. For each paid health test, the registered Quantcorder user is reimbursed USD 50.
  • Subscription Model: A monthly or annual fee for access to the device and regular software updates is also available.
  • Equipment Rental: An option to rent the device for a specified period, such as for clinics or private users is also available.
  • Diagnostic Service Fees: Each patient pays USD 200 fee for each diagnostic session or analysis conducted. Clinics and Hospitals can negotiate and agree special financial arrangements for the Quantcorder services.

Distribution Channels

  • Direct Sales through the website, landing pages, influencers and distribution partners.
  • Partnerships with Medical Institutions, including clinics, hospitals, and diagnostic offices.
  • E-commerce Platforms, such as Amazon, Allegro, and other popular sales platforms.
  • Sales Representatives for direct sales to insurance companies and health institutions.

Value Proposition

  • Advanced Health Diagnostics: Enabling early detection of health problems.
  • Non-invasiveness and Comfort: Providing a comfortable and painless diagnostic method.
  • Mobility and Accessibility: Allowing the device to be used anywhere.
  • Availability of Health Data: Providing detailed diagnostic reports accessible remotely.

Key Partnerships

  • Technology Companies: Partnerships with medical technology and software providers.
  • Insurance Providers: Collaboration with insurance companies to integrate Quantcorder into their health offerings.
  • Research and Medical Institutions: Collaboration on clinical trials and developmental research.

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